Press Release

Experts Predict: How Will GDPR Change Advertising in 2018 & Beyond?

sovrnmarketing // December 14, 2017


Only five months away, GDPR could change the course of advertising forever. Currently slated for 2019, the ePrivacy Directive is driving even greater concern in all corners of the industry. Are we ready, and should we really be fearful of its impending introduction, or does it present myriad opportunities? In a series of features, reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to what we can expect in 2018, ExchangeWire invites over 100 thought leaders from across the industry to share their views. In the latest instalment of the series, experts share their thoughts on the impact of GDPR on the future of digital advertising.


Read the whole article here: Experts Predict: How Will GDPR Change Advertising in 2018 & Beyond?

Source: ExchangeWire

Article length: 1145

Article reading time: less than 6 minutes

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