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How to Install Third-Party Video Ad Tags in DFP: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sovrn Publisher Advocate // April 13, 2016

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Installing third-party video ad tags in DFP may seem difficult, but it’s actually a fairly simple procedure. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to install install third-party video ads in DFP.

A few things to note before we get started:

DFP Video supports both https and http. The impressions and VAST tracking URLs respect the SSL setting and will return either https or http as appropriate. Click-through and click-tracking are http since it redirects via another page.

And if you aren’t using the Google IMA SDK, be aware that the tag contains the following macros, for which you’ll need to insert the appropriate information. (If you’re using the Google IMA SDK, the SDK automatically inserts the information for these macros.)

  • url=[referrer_url] – the URL of the page where the ad will appear.
  • correlator=[timestamp] – typically the timestamp of the page view.

1.) Click the order that will contain the video line item(s) that will serve the ad to the associated ad units via insertion of the ad unit’s ad tag code to a video player.


2.) Generate Video Tags for player (*Video ads trafficked via DFP will require that the video player be Google IMA SDK3 compatible)

3a.) On the Inventory tab, click Ad units in the side panel.

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3b.) Select the ad unit for which you want to generate the ad tag.


  3c.) Click Generate tags below the name of the selected ad unit. The video master tag that appears is the URL needed to get video ads for this ad unit. 

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3d.) Next, click on ‘continue’ a couple more times…
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3e.) Copy the code from final “Generated tags” screen.

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4.) Create the Line item for the third-party tag.

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5.) Fill in Line item details and save.

6a.) Add new Creative Set. (Note: a creative set is a group of ads that includes a master creative and its companions. A creative set is sent back to the video player as a VAST response. Even if there are no companions, the master ad is still called a “creative set” in DFP. Video line items must have creative sets assigned to them. Stand-alone creatives can’t be assigned to video line items. You can upload multiple creative sets for each video line item. If you upload two sets for the same size, the ads will rotate. )

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6b.) Pick Advertiser, type, and size for new creative set.

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6c.) Name the creative set, and select Creative Type.

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6d.) Fill in Redirect video type details and save.

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Note: When loaded, the general tag details will auto-populate. As far as the warning is concerned, this seems to happen when any of sovrn’s video tags are uploaded which seem to have to do with tag configurations themselves. Nothing is usually wrong with the tags once the line item goes live and delivery begins.

6e.) After saving the third-party redirect video creative, you will be taken to the line item’s previewtab:

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6f.) You will also be able to confirm the association of the creative set you just created with the line item you created in the associations tab for the Creative Set.

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These are all of the steps needed to traffic a thirdparty ad tag (sovrn video tag) in DFP for a Video line item that will serve for a targeted ad unit (e.g. 400x200v, Pos A, Video Page), on a website via insertion of the targeted Video Ad unit’s ad tag code into a Google IMA SDK3 compliant video player.

Any questions on how to install third-party video ad tags in DFP? Please comment below or email us at support@sovrn.com.

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